Control and Arpeggiator pot source

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    • #1710

      It looks like the pots noted in the Control bill of materials are not common in North America. I’ve found a few Alpine pots but they’re either outside the resistance requirement or very long shafts. I noticed you used a common trim-potentiometer on the Chord design. Is that a possible alternative, with some redesign, for the Control and Arpeggiator or are they not robust enough?

      BTW, thank you for this design! Looking forward to building the Keyboard first as I have those parts on the way.

    • #1711
      Johan von Konow


      I plan to redesign control in the near future and will probaly use trimpots instead. There are pros and cons: They are not as robust and the feeling and accuracy is slightly off, but size, ease to integrate and cost speaks to their advantage. Maybe avaliability too.

      more knobs


    • #1712

      That makes sense on the pros/cons. I have a few of those small trimpots around so I’ll try a rough modification from your existing STEP files to see how they work for the Arpeggiator. Also, I’ll keep looking around for those others pots or something with similar quality. Thanks!

    • #1779
      Johan von Konow

      I have redesigned the control with a version using trimpots instead (they work great):

      LEET Control8

    • #1792

      Awesome, thanks! I’ll need to order some more trimpots then I’ll give this one a shot.

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