Repair guide for broken noise canceling Bose QuietComfort 25 headphones.
Fixing broken LED light bulbs
How to turn three broken LED lamps into two working ones…
Bringing a 12 year old Roland MDX-20 up to date
How to add: USB connection, FTDI drivers and a new postprocessor to a low cost CNC mill (Roland MDX-15 / MDX-20).
Repairing a broken AirPort Express
How to fix an AirPort Express Base Station that does not power up.
I added a 5V power adapter and a 3.3V LDO instead of the broken power unit.
Using a Sony Ericsson dock as an USB2Serial adapter
Getting serial connection (5v RS232) from a USB SEMC DSS-20 SyncStation.
Guide for: Disassembly, Attaching serial communication cables, Remove serial EEPROM to avoid custom drivers for the FTDI232 chip.
Repairing a broken Samsung TV
How to fix a Samsung le40s71b that does not power up.
Hint – replace the broken capacitors ;)