Hi Johan,
I really like the stuff you are doing providing the LEET Synth and I am totally going to build some of the components in the future! ;)
However, I figured out it may be a nice feature to add a resistor between the Data Pin and the DIN of the LED Strip, as this smoothens the signal a lot and will definetly extend the LED lifetime. Someone already pointed that out in a forum, although everyone seems to have a different opinion on that topic: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=554642.0
Here is a little image showing the effect (I copied this one from the forum mentioned above):
Do you think, it may be a nice feature to have an opportunity to add a resistor (even if the wire isnt really long)?
Maybe it could also be a “nice design-feature” looking fancy if it is exposed near the ardunio board or something like that.