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I don’t know why I didn’t think of just cutting off .1 or .2mm from the bottom of the model to see if the channels were a bit larger. I found some thinner wire and ordered some magnifying glasses, I got this.
JayWmsParticipantI took some time and read through your blog rather than ask so many questions you already documented.. :) Very awesome concept. I really like the evolution, I have made plenty of those PCB soldered boards and can see the light! Now to work on my 3D design skills.
JayWmsParticipantIt looks like the buttons can only fit in one direction? Just want to make sure I have the orientation right on all my inserts, I looked through the site but didn’t see an image. I also looked at the wiring diagrams but I just wanted to be certain. Worried I spent all this time getting the print right and I will mess up the build…
JayWmsParticipantResults of tuning, before and after… I might try to tweak it a bit more, got some dotted lines on the first layer, maybe a little bit too much under extruded. I wonder how hard it would be to update the model to use 22awg wire? I ordered a magnifying solder helper with a light to assist. @22awg the channels could be 2-3 “lines” wide at .2mm. If I had skills beyond tinkercad I wouldn’t ask how difficult design changes are. :) LOL.
JayWmsParticipantHello. Hope you had a good weekend! My prints are getting better… This little project has really helped me learn how to tune print settings… The last photo I sent looked okay but when it was complete the bottom was mostly solid. I guess I have more “elephant” footing than I ever thought. I printed the first layer of the LEET Pad a dozen times tuning my Z as well as initial layer flow and initial layer line width. I now have a custom LEET print Cura profile! LOL. I think I can finally use the wire channels on my latest print, it has about an hour to go…
Did you come up with the 3DPCB concept? Just curious if there are any design tools to help layout a board or if it is a manual design process?
Thanks again for taking your time to assist. I hope I can contribute in some way in the future. My background is more in programming than electronics.
JayWmsParticipantGreetings!! Can you check the upload for the LEET Pad? The STL zip has an STP file in it I believe… That model is smaller so I can print it on a mini 3D printer I have, I thought I would try that out…
I have been printing these on an Ender3&5 in PLA. 60mm speed. I usually print at 80mm, but slowed it down for these. I really think the slicer gets confused on these for me, It seems like every slice produces a different print starting point and sequence. I need to tweak my settings, I feel I have unnecessary travel going around things while printing as well.
I have the newest keyboard printing now… So far it looks okay, but can you see that some of the bridges only printed on the first layer or 2 then stop. Not sure if this is the slicer or model. Later in the print those bridges will be resumed but with a gap so breaks off easily.
Is anyone else having these issues printing? Anyone share any successful makes yet?
JayWmsParticipantSo, I saw you posted more boards so I decided to print the smaller one… I still have issues with all the small unattached sections. The slicer is confused on the first layer for sure.. I am re-printing the revised keyboard you sent me now, it failed yesterday but was a layer shift and not the same issue.
When I look at Cura layer by layer, I can see the spots that start on layer 4 so they never get anchored to the build plate. I’m determined to get these!!
Here are the pics of the smaller board for you to see. The underside shows where those little sections came unattached and were deposited elsewhere. Maybe I can run\view your GCODE file, I know it was likely on your Prusa but should run on my DIY or Ender3 or Ender 5 I’d think.
I’m sure support is not what you were looking for when you created this project, all of your help is appreciated.
JayWmsParticipantI appreciate you taking the time to help me, I have never had this much issue with a print before. I just can’t seem to get past the first 6-8 layers to get a solid print. I rarely have issues like this, my calibration cubes are almost spot on 20mm.
I have no doubt it is the slicer, but I have tried multiple versions of Cura (4.1, 4.7.1) and I just get strange travel or strange stringing/trailing issues on layer 1 that I don’t see when I run a string test or other printing tests.
I am going to see if I can’t tune one of my printers this weekend and try again…
JayWmsParticipantOkay, sounds good… I’ll start testing some wire once I have a board to see what can fit. I started to print the revised board and it looks good so far…
I also tweaked some settings, z-hop on retract, avoid printed parts. If the revised prints okay, I might try to print the original again with these settings.
JayWmsParticipantYes, I will test that print out today! Thanks for taking the time to adjust it. I managed to get one to print on a raft but it has other small issues from the air-gap layer, some little blobs, so not ideal.
Any chance you have an amazon link to some wire? I’ve been checking all my scrap wire, not finding any .3mm strands. I’m sure I’ll find something. :)
I am debating on designing a variation (not sure I have the patience for your superior 3DPCB routing) so I can use a dozen or so Arduino Uno/Leonardos I have from a previous project. I went ahead and ordered a few of the Arduinos you listed so I can try to build it as intended first though. These Unos have the pin out, just not sure if they are too large to try make a revision to the 3DPCB or just go ahead and make more of a case style version mount it inside.