A 3D printable model of a Lego Stormtrooper
- Moveable arms and legs
- Removable head, helmet, hands, torso and legs
- 99% Lego compatible (there are some minor differences)
When we got the 3D printer at work, my boss asked me as a joke if it could print Lego Stormtrooper figures for his children. I saw it as a challenge and an opportunity to learn what the printer could do. I measured a standard Lego figure with a caliper and built a 3D model in Rhino (NURBS model). I added some Stormtrooper details on the torso. On the web I found a polygon Stormtrooper model, from which I took the helmet, cleaned it up, scaled it and joined it with the Lego head. After a few hours I had a functioning model with moveable arms, legs, hands and a removable helmet. 3D printing is quite impressive!
Dimensions: 25x16x44mm (wxdxh)
The model is intended for private use only. It is Lego compatible, but not a 100% copy. See it as a 3D printer demo. Please note that a 3D print will cost more than the real figure and is not as accurate. The model is not suitable for mass production (draft angles, wall thickness etc)
Version tracker
0.5 First version
0.6 Moveable arms and legs
0.7 Detachable torso and legs
0.75 Removable helmet
0.8 Stormtrooper details on torso
0.9 Current version
Future No updates planned…
Rhino project file (*.3dm – NURBS and polygon)
Polygon file of assembly (*.stl – for render)
Polygon file of parts next to each other (*.stl – for 3D print)
See also (coming soon…)
Lego Android
Darth Vader
Lego Mini figure
Lego Buzz
Lego Bricks
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Hi Johan,
I have been teaching myself Rhino for about 6 months, as time allows between work and family. I like it a lot – it appears to my artistic and technical mind. Coming from the 2D illustration work Rhino (mostly) makes sense to me – more so than poly modeling. I thought recently that I would give a shot at modeling a Lego figure for fun. I got stuck on the arms. I tried a number of things like piping, sweeps, curve networks, but nothing was working out very well. So I thought I’d see if someone else had done this in Rhino and found your site. The arms on your figure are so elegantly drawn. I would love to know how you got there. It looks like you possibly created a fuller arm and did a Boolean diff on the inside side of the arm. My problem has been getting the elbow right and the upper arm angle. I know this is asking a lot, but if you have a few minutes to spare sometime I would love to see how you created the arm.
Hi Al
It was more than four years that i modeled the basic shape of the figure, butI remember that it was a bit tricky to get the shape right (as you have discovered…)
I started by creating two tubes in a 45 deg angle. And then I had to iterate a few times in order to cut the tubes at the right angles. I don’t remember if I could simply blend the surfaces, or if I created a curve, matching the surfaces and then used the rail function to create the elbow. A sphere was created at the top and the arm was cut in order to not intersect with the body. When I was satisfied with the shape, the inner joint was created, allowing the arm to move without falling off. The last step was to rotate the arm and position it to the torso.
You can probably understand the steps by exploding the arm and looking at the surfaces. You can also untrim the parts.
Hope it helps and good luck!